Sunday, April 6, 2008

16 - she's got the beat

after the last book i read, i decided to go back to some serious fluff. and oh boy, was this fluff. there is a whole collection of these incredibly cheesy romances geared toward teenage girls. i read them occasionally because i have actually found a few that are good and have put them on my bookshelf. they tend to be really easy to read and you know what? some of my students need that. i picked this one up because it takes place in austin. and that's about it. i have feeling the author probably googled "cool hangouts in austin" to write this book because there were a few references to waterloo records, sixth street, red river street, and the backyard - but i never really felt like the book was actually in austin . . . oh well.

if you haven't read any current YA lit, don't let this be the one you do read. there's tons more 'stuff' out there that is way less formulaic and incredibly more complex. also, if you haven't been to austin before, um, you totally should.


The Kilcoynes said...

So... reading this post made me miss Austin. Sigh. Have you been to Freddy's Place? The burgers and the music and the backyard eating area... Another sigh.

sarah said...

never been to freddy's, but i wish i had known about it a few weekends ago. i really wanted a hamburger after we finished the cap 10k. i'll file that little piece of info in the back of my head.