Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 New Year's Resolutions

i turn 30 this year. gah. that might be the first time i have written those terrifying words, which makes them a little more of a reality. i've got a good five months and several other friends who will or already have hit the big 3-0 before me to help me adjust to the idea of entering another decade in my life. as we switch over to 2008, though, i do find myself doing a lot of thinking about certain accomplishments i hope to have in this, my thirtieth year. some of those - running at least one 5k race a month, spending at least 30 minutes outside every day, finally taking up yoga, keeping a plant alive, going back to school (again!), writing, paying all of my bills on time, keeping my car cleaned out, keeping my house clean and organized, getting my dog to lose 7 pounds before the summer heat rolls around, avoiding the candy bowl at work - are probably things i should automatically be doing anyway by nature of being an 'adult', so i don't know if they really qualify as resolutions. they might be more like obvious responsibilities.

every year, though, i do say i am going to read more. for those of you who know me, you might find that somewhat odd, as i tend to read quite a bit as it is. but in the last few years i have started to notice that i tend to read the same kinds of books over and over. so my resolution to 'read more' really should include the word 'variety.' so. that is the purpose of this new blog. i'm going to keep track of what i'm reading over this year. this is sort of an experiment for me. i, either arrogantly or selfishly, want to see exactly how many books i read in a year's time. also, i kind of feel like if i keep a log - just like if you keep a food log - i will pay more attention to WHAT i'm reading, which will hopefully inspire me to peruse more than my typical two rows at barnes and noble.

so, if you care to see what i'm reading, or if you are trying to figure out what to read, check here, maybe? i might do a little reviewing, but i don't really know what this blog will evolve into. i do know, though, that i will definitely need suggestions for what TO read. feel free to make those.

oh! happy new year, yall!


Janet said...

Sarah - I feel obligated to be your first commenter - since you blame me for your new obsession:) Let me tell you - it will only get worse! - but in a good way I hope.

Since your blog is about reading I'll give you a couple of suggestions tho maybe you've already read them. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Another book I enjoyed although it is long is The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. I usually don't read anything but fiction so these are my suggestions for now.

Good Luck with the BLOG ! You know I feel bad I never commented on the book club blog but you did such an excellent job describing the book - I didn't feel I could add anything! Enjoyed the book tho.

Welcome back to blogger land!

Aunt J

sarah said...

Thanks for the suggestions. I've heard really good things about Garden Spells lately, so I'll definitely have to read it. I am the same way about only reading fiction, but hopefully I'll read some nonfiction (other than memoirs and teacher books) too.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should jump on the life-changing bandwagon, break down and be a follower, stifle that little drummer of yours and read The Kite Runner :)


sarah said...

Well Cody when you put it so poetically, who knows!