Friday, January 11, 2008

A Diet of Nyquil and Saltines Does Not Encourage SSR

Those of you who are teachers know what SSR is. Self-sustained silent reading. Ah. It is a magical thing, when used correctly, in a classroom. I rarely have difficulties making time to read and when I do make time, I NEVER have difficulty focusing. Until this week.

I am trying to read. And, I really do like the book that I pick up for about 5 minutes a day. A few months ago, I decided to start reading travel memoirs. There is a long drawn out story as to why I decided this, but I'll forgo it for now. Anyway, I came across an author who drew his inspiration from John Steinbeck's Travels With Charley and I thought, "Hey. I've never really read Steinbeck. I should read that!" (How I went through both high school and college in Oklahoma without having to read Steinbeck, I'll never quite understand.) So, I bought it. I'm 32 pages in. I seriously read about a page a day. If that. It's quite entertaining, though, so I hope I get motivated to read it with my full attention.

I don't read books by pages. I consume them - Harry Potter Number 7=9.5 hours! - so this whole page by page thing is driving me crazy.

Unfortunately, my nourishment this week was drawn from Nyquil (a gift from God, I'm convinced), diet 7Up, apples, and fat free saltines (7 for a WW point!). And here's a shocker - said 'nourishment' does not really give me the energy to sit and read. Instead, all I have really wanted to do is sleep. Hopefully, this will pass, because I'm rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bored without books.